At Halton, apprentices could volunteer to be in the band. In those days we had both a Brass Band under the baton and training of W.O. Jamieson (Jamie, if I spelled it incorrectly I apologise), and the Pipe Band under the eagle eye of W.O. Bailey, ably assisted in 3(A) Wing by Sgt. Cook (Cooky). The Pipe band also included the Bugle Corps - how that transpired is anyones guess. Anyway the bands were often called on to do Ceremonial Duties that didn't happen to the rest of the apprentices in general. Such duties included the Royal Tournament, not the full tournament itself but the preshow entertainment, The Lord Mayors Show , various Battle of Britain shows, parades and special functions. Below you can see some in action.
RAF Halton Pipe Band at The Royal Tournament " Earls Court " July 1966
Pipe Major Frank Bowron after a Church parade ("relaxing on his pit")
RAF Halton Brass Band at the Lord Mayors Show 1965 (Eagle eyes among viewers will spot the Pipe Band behind us - on the way back - they were in front)