17 September 1963

While gathering at RAF Halton, in preparation for the day of enrolment, kit issue and the inevitable 'haircut', we were introduced (sic) to the 'gentlemen', who would be the GD staff for the entry. We were also told to study the badges of rank and marks of distinction, to enable us to identify who was who, or at least who was 'what'. We were to be located in 3 Wing , as all junior entries had been for some years, occupying the barrack blocks (2 and 4) , recently vacated by the 102nd Entry who had 'moved up' to 1 Wing, we were also to be 3 Squadron, as each entry was a Squadron within the Wing. When we arrived, the Ton 3s were 1 Squadron and the Ton 4s were 2 Squadron.

"...seemingly I was quite a troublesome little bugger :). "

Until we arrived , there had been an apprentice Entry intake three times in a year, in January, May and September. Each entry spent its first year in 3 Wing, then 'passed-on' to the Senior Wings, alternating between 1 and 2 Wings. It worked out that the even number entries went to 1 Wing and the odd numbers to 2 Wing. Squadrons and Wings were identifiable by the colour of the Hat Bands or Beret Cap Badge discs, and by the colour of the disc behind the apprentice wheel, the apprentice badge of rank, worn on the left arm.

apprentice wheel

1 Wing - Red Hat Band 2 Wing - Blue Hat Band 3 Wing - Yellow Hat Band
1 Sqdn - Red wheel disc 2 Sqdn - Blue wheel disc 3 Sqdn - Green wheel disc

We weren't to know it then but we were to spend the next two years in 3 Wing, due to a change in RAF training policies, of which we were quite an important (and experimental) part. More about that later.

We were allocated into 'A' and 'B' Flights as we arrived, split by trades. 'B' Flight was entirely made up of the Electrical and Instrument trades (except for 12 lads), 'A' Flight was made up of those 12, plus the Engine and Airframe trades , and also Dental Technician Apprentices. I think there were 8 of them. Maybe someone reading this , who knows for sure, can e-mail me and let me know( unless my queries to the RAF Personnel Management Centre bear fruit). I remember I was allocated into 'A' Flight, but only stayed there for about 8 months before being moved to 'B' Flight, seemingly I was quite a troublesome little bugger :).

The GD Staff of 3(A) Wing 3 Sqdn were:

Squadron Commander: Sqn. Ldr. S.R. Sills (arrived after we did)
Squadron Adjutant: Fg. Off. W.H. (Jankers) Crawford
Squadron SNCO: Flt Sgt Paxton
'A' Flight SNCO: Sgt. (Black Jim) Hadley
'A' Flight NCO: Cpl. (Lepty) Swain
'B' Flight SNCO: Sgt. (Dino) Stoneman
'B' Flight NCO: Cpl. (Jock) Bailey